Recent Posts
Winter, 2024.
I’ve been getting quite a bit of questions on what’s up in Avaland, so I figured it’s time to put a good ol’ hearty post up. Originally, I intended this post to go onto my Instagram, but apparently I wrote a little too much and outdid the character count.
Fall 23’ Wrap Up (September/October)
Welcome to another wrap up of my moderately exciting life! Kidding. Someone should buy the rights to my memoir and write a screenplay, I swear. I cannot even describe to you, dear reader, how unexpected the turns…
Summer 23’ Wrap Up (July/August)
It’s hard to believe that such a large chunk of the summer has already been eaten away. It’s almost as readily as the mosquitos have attached themselves to every bare inch of my body, but alas—we’ve made it here. August.
Spring ‘23 - Wrap Up (April, May, June)
Believe it or not, living part time in one of the most beautiful places in Colorado and working full-time can really pack your days full. I’ve barely had time to sleep 8hrs, let alone consider writing a piece on my month (& some) of moose-mania. Though honestly, I feel incredibly…
March ‘23 - Wrap Up
After being in denial for years, I’ve finally decided I am a victim of seasonal depression. Fort Collins has been semi-seasonably warm the past week and I have become entirely head over heart in love. Don’t get me wrong: I love cold…
Mega-Freeways and Mountain Lions
As human populations readily expand, the need to invest heavily into solutions to prevent mountain lion (Puma concolor) extinction in the Santa Monica mountains only compounds. Inbreeding, vehicle…
Missile Range Wildlife: Oryx gazella
Members of the oryx genus are likely one of the most distinctive mammals in current times. Most recognizable for their extensively long horns and interesting colored coats, these animals seem more…
Wildlife Biology: Industry Analysis
From entry-level to senior-level positions, wildlife biologists have many different outlets and outcomes in their professional field. However, today we will look at the progression of early…